Baseball Toaster Western Homes
How the Mighty Have Fallen
2007-10-07 00:26
by Mark T.R. Donohue

I was watching something on the DVR yesterday, I think it was the second episode of "Bionic Woman" (better, Isaiah Washington brings a lot to the table and hey, look, there's Kevin Rankin from "Buffy" and "Undeclared") and a promo for "Saturday Night Live" came on. Seth Rogen was hosting and Spoon was the musical guest.

Let me tell you something: I loves me some Seth Rogen and Spoon. What time I haven't spent watching baseball this month, I've been watching and re-watching Knocked Up and Superbad and listening to Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga. The only thing that has gotten "You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb" out of my head is the fact that now "Don't Make Me a Target" is in there even worse.

But (and I didn't notice until much, much later) it didn't even cross my mind to tape the episode. Didn't even occur as a possibility. I'm so accustomed to ignoring "Saturday Night Live" these days that the idea of watching it seems alien and/or quaint. How about that?

Coming soon: "Pushing Daisies" and all of our returning favorites.

2007-10-07 13:45:19
1.   T Money
As someone who shares your love of both Rogen and Spoon - and as someone who actually did watch their episode of SNL - I can say that you didn't miss much. Britt Daniel looked awfully uncomfortable on stage, and the backup horn section seemed out of sync with the rest of the band. As for Rogen, he clearly tried his best, but he seemed oddly out of place in most of his sketches, never allowed to do that sardonic thing that's at the heart of his best comedy.

I'll say this in SNL's defense, however: that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad video short from last week was legitimately funny.

2007-10-08 09:04:55
2.   Mark T.R. Donohue
1 Spoon are, in point of fact, a crummy live band... I saw them last month at the Monolith Festival and they were one of the few disappointments of the weekend. Daniel is way too much of a crazy-loner-genius-in-the-attic type to do the arena rock hero thing, and the obsessive attention to detail that makes their records so consistently good cuts them off at the knees as a live band -- you get the feeling that the bassist and the keyboard player fear they would be instantly fired were they to improvise or embellish in the very least.

Doesn't make their records any less good. Pavement sucked the big one live too.

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