Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
westernhomes (at) yahoo (dot) com
The way the TV season works these days, if a show doesn't debut huge, more often than not that's all there is to it. I believe "Viva Laughlin" was canceled before its debut, which is pretty impressive. Anyway, please try and see an episode of "Aliens in America" before it bites the dust, because while the show tries too hard to make its point, at least it has a valid point, which is more than I can say for every other pilot I watched this season. And I've just always liked Scott Patterson, even if his character on "Aliens" is strangely a Caucasian rewrite of Terry Crews' dad from "Everybody Hates Chris."
Two shows that I couldn't make it even through two full episodes on the TiVo and thus have been the first of the season to lose their recording status: "Reaper" and "K-Ville." The latter is a show that I wanted to support simply because it brought work to the New Orleans area, not for any creative reasons, but unfortunately even with that huge head start it gives you no reason whatsoever to keep watching. "Reaper" on the other hand is a complete piece of garbage; I am astonished that smart critics were at all taken by it. The second episode had Sock recycling so many 15-year-old jokes that I thought I was back around the lunch table in freshman year.
I'm giving "Chuck" a few more chances because I like Adam Baldwin. "Bionic Woman" is on life support as well. Honestly, besides "Aliens" the new show I look for most on the TiVo queue is "Gossip Girl," and that might just be because I think Blake Lively is smokin' hot, although check back with me on that.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.