Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
westernhomes (at) yahoo (dot) com
I was watching something on the DVR yesterday, I think it was the second episode of "Bionic Woman" (better, Isaiah Washington brings a lot to the table and hey, look, there's Kevin Rankin from "Buffy" and "Undeclared") and a promo for "Saturday Night Live" came on. Seth Rogen was hosting and Spoon was the musical guest.
Let me tell you something: I loves me some Seth Rogen and Spoon. What time I haven't spent watching baseball this month, I've been watching and re-watching Knocked Up and Superbad and listening to Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga. The only thing that has gotten "You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb" out of my head is the fact that now "Don't Make Me a Target" is in there even worse.
But (and I didn't notice until much, much later) it didn't even cross my mind to tape the episode. Didn't even occur as a possibility. I'm so accustomed to ignoring "Saturday Night Live" these days that the idea of watching it seems alien and/or quaint. How about that?
Coming soon: "Pushing Daisies" and all of our returning favorites.
I'll say this in SNL's defense, however: that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad video short from last week was legitimately funny.
Doesn't make their records any less good. Pavement sucked the big one live too.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.